I’ve pulled the plug on Code Quarterly. To read about why, please see this blog post. Thanks for your interest. —Peter Seibel
Code Quarterly is a new publication that intends to publish in-depth articles of interest to hackers. Readers will be able to read them on the web or buy DRM-free PDFs, Kindle and iPad versions, and print-on-demand paper copies. Subscribers to our print journal will receive a beautifully typeset quarterly containing all the articles from the past three months.
We believe there’s a niche waiting to be filled by someone publishing well-written technical pieces longer than the average blog article but shorter than books and making them available in a variety of formats. We are aiming at depth more than absolute timeliness; there are already plenty of outlets for the latest tech buzz.
We are just getting started and are looking for contributors who want a chance to dig deeply into a subject and explain it to their hacker peers and get paid to do it. Here are some of the kinds of articles we hope to publish:
Technical explanations – Pieces that explain a concept and why we should care. It may be because the concept is of great practical use or because it’s intellectually fascinating. But we don’t want to cover the new new thing just because it’s new.
Code reads – guided tours through code that demonstrates interesting programming techniques or which is simply well-put-together, beautiful code.
Q&A interviews – in-depth interviews with notable programmers.
Think pieces – pieces about not-entirely-technical issues hackers would care about. For example, should the code behind scientific research be released and if so, why isn’t it? Or, how can computers be best used in kids’ education.
Computer history – articles that take a look back at where our ideas about computers came from.
Book reviews
If this sounds interesting, please fill out the form on the right if you'd like us to let you know about our progress. Or follow us on twitter. If you are interested in writing for the Quarterly, please take a look at our writer’s guidelines.
Peter Seibel <editor@codequarterly.com>
Author, Practical Common Lisp & Coders at Work
Editor, Code Quarterly